I cringe looking back on some of my old homecoming photos… the brown lip outline, and champagne center lipstick. No wonder I never wear lip color today! #traumatized. I sure wish I had this article to read back then! I’m sharing my 5 tips and tricks to help you master your homecoming makeup.
5 Tips To Master Your Prom or Homecoming Makeup
Regarding prom or homecoming makeup, there are a few things to consider when choosing what look you want to go with. These are my 5 BIGGEST tips when it comes to your makeup for your big event!
Tip #1 – Keep Your Lipstick In the Same Family as Your Dress
If your dress color is a shade you would see worn on the lips, keep your lips in the same shade family (even the nude lipstick!) Otherwise, it’s not jiving (or is it vibing now?🤔) SHOP LIPS

Tip #2: Decide What To Focus On
Decide what you want the focus to be – your dress? Your hair? Your makeup? Shoes?
Ex: If your dress is a bright, bold color, keep the makeup balanced. That means you can match the bold color of the dress on your lips and keep the eyes natural or keep the lips natural and bold the eyes with neutrals (or even tie in a touch of the color from your dress in your jewelry), but do NOT try and bring the bold color of your dress into every part of your look. It’s too much!
What if you have a black dress? If you want the dress to be the focus, keep your makeup more on the neutral side (yes, you can still add lashes to glam it up and still keep it neutral:) If you want to add some color, you can wear it on the lips or the shoes or jewelry. Remember – BALANCE. We don’t want the same colors everywhere.

Tip #3: Lashes Should Enhance Your Eyes
I love lashes and I believe everyone can wear them to enhance their eyes – as long as they are enhancing your eyes and not taking away from them!
If you aren’t having a professional put on your lashes, do some practice runs BEFORE the big day. If you’re a beginner, I love these Kiss Falscara lashes, but I would only use this Lashify glue (I’m NOT a fan of the Falscara glue at all – horrible for your lashes and eyes!)

Tip #4: Don’t Wear Trends for Prom or Homecoming Makeup
Stick to enhancing your natural features and leave the trends for Halloween.
Trust me. You may be rolling your eyes (just as my 15-year-old daughter does) saying “I will never NOT like this! I look SO good” and maybe you’re right! but…I’m going to say there’s a 99.9% chance you’re wrong.

If you do want to take my professional advice, here are 6 looks that NEVER go out of style.
- A soft smokey eye
- A classic winged liner
- Red Lips
- Nude Lips
- Radiant skin (not to be confused with highlighter on foundation.)
- Faux lashes (that fit your eyes!)
Tip #5: Get A Lesson on How to Apply Prom or Homecoming Makeup
Schedule an appointment to have your makeup done professionally, or have them teach you how to apply your makeup like a pro so you can do it yourself! If you’re confident in your makeup abilities, do some practice runs and take photos to make sure all looks great!

A Picture You’ll Love Looking Back On
EVEN with all of this said, if you want bright pink incorporated on every part of your body, do it!! Go ahead and be crazy with your young and carefree self. Just do me a favor and make sure you write yourself a note about just how BEAUTIFUL you felt that day. Because honestly who cares what your 35-year-old self thinks anyway! I wish I would have!
You are ready to master your homecoming makeup and I know you will look absolutely beautiful!
For INSTANT ACCESS to a FULL DEMO TUTORIAL on how to apply special event makeup for homecoming or prom, then CLICK HERE to access the FULL TUTORIAL for just $17!